Hexindo Oil Product Launching
Hexino Oil Terbaru Diperkenalkan ke Publik
Sebagai upaya untuk memberikan produk dan layanan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan, perusahaan meluncurkan Hexindo Oil ke masyarakat. Seremoni kegiatan dilaksanakan secara virtual pada 11 November 2021. Sekitar 233 pelanggan PT Hexindo Adiperkasa Tbk yang tersebar di seluruh indonesia turut berpartisipasi di kegiatan ini. Direktur Operasional Bapak Yasumasa Zaizen dan Direktur Product Support Bapak Koji Sato
Dibandingkan dengan produk sebelumnya, Hexindo Oil ini dapat digunakan untuk semua diesel engine, tidak harus merek Hitachi. Tak hanya itu, pelanggan dapat menikmati 3 keunggulan dari Hexindo Oil ini. Pertama, engine protection yaitu mampu menjaga mesin dari keausan agar dapat bekerja secara optimal. Kedua, B30 anti corrosion yaitu melindungi dari korosi serta menjaga kebersihan ruang mesin. Ketiga, Euro 4 compatible yaitu memenuhi standar Euro 4 yang lebih ramah lingkungan.
Hexindo Oil Product Launching
As the commitment to provide best products and services for customer, company launched Hexindo Oil to the public. The event ceremony was held virtually on November 11, 2021. Around 233 customers throughout Indonesia participated in this activity. Director of Operations Mr. Yasumasa Zaizen and Director of Product Support Mr. Koji Sato also participate in this event. Compared to the previous product, Hexindo Oil can be used for all diesel engines, not necessarily Hitachi brand.
There’s 3 advantages of Hexindo Oil. First, engine protection, which is able to keep the engine so that it can work optimally. Second, B30 anti-corrosion, which protects against corrosion and keeps the engine area clean. Third, it is Euro 4 compatible, that is, it meets the Euro 4 standard which is more environmentally friendly.